In light of Victoria's Secret Angel Miranda Kerr's son, Flynn Bloom, being born recently (Jan 6th) and Angel Doutzen Kroes' son, Phyllon, being born on just 2 days ago (Jan. 21st), I've decided to do a recap of our other favourite VS supermodel mommies as well as their workout & diet regimes (besides chasing after their children of course).
Congrats new mommies!
Here are the diet and fitness tips of Supermodel Mommies: Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Doutzen Kroes, Gisele Bundchen, Heidi Klum, Karolina Kurkova and Miranda Kerr.
Adriana, like Miranda Kerr, looking obviously fuller in the face as her pregnancy develops- probably because both of these models generally have rounder faces to begin with. Unlike a lot of the other Supermodel mommies who miraculously maintain very slim bodies/faces throughout their pregnancies.
Adriana's diet (since having her child):
About 2 months before an upcoming Victoria's Secret show, Adriana will go on a zero-carbs diet. This means that for lunch and dinner, she'll have grilled or steamed veggies and 4 ounces of any kind of meat at each meal. Throughout the day, every three hours in between meals, Adriana will drink the protein shake Metagenics or eat a cereal bar.
Work-Out Regime:
Adriana hits the gym every single day, for two hours per session. Part of her exercise routine includes boxing and jumping rope.
“Working out should be a part of everybody’s routine,” she says.“I know sometimes you don’t have time — that’s why I love jumping rope, because you can take it with you anywhere and you don’t need to do it, like, one hour. You can do it ten minutes and it’s like 45 minutes of running.”
Age: 29
Fiancé: Jamie Mazur (business man whose company sells designer jeans)
Baby girl: Anja Louise Ambrosio Mazur (August 24th, 2008)
Fiancé: Jamie Mazur (business man whose company sells designer jeans)
Baby girl: Anja Louise Ambrosio Mazur (August 24th, 2008)
At a photoshoot, just starting to show signs of a bump
Alessandra & Jamie at their baby shower
Alessandra's diet:
According to Alessandra, she enjoys all kinds of food such as Japanese, Thai, chocolate, etc., but the key is portion control. I wonder if that means just one bite of everything....
Rather than hire a trainer like all of her peers, Alessandra prefers to stay fit through activities/sports such as: volleyball, surfing, roller-blading and snowboarding. She keeps her butt toned by working out with a trainer twice a month, where they engage in the Brazilian Butt-Lift, which incorporates Capoeira, samba and aerobics.
Tips: Alessandra takes Yves Saint Laurent's 'Total Fitness Slimming Gel' with her wherever she goes to keep cellulite at bay
Like her two colleagues, Adriana and Miranda, Doutzen also has a rounder, soft face. However her face being more oval shaped with less prominent cheekbones, her face doesn't quite get as puffed as the former two.
Absolutely glowing here, pictured with Chanel Iman.
Doutzen's always been known for her 'curves', and is often under a lot of media scrutiny for the ups and downs of her weight. In fact, Gucci wouldn't hire her because they thought she was TOO curvy:
“I like the Versace show best so far. The collection is really beautiful and at Versace femininity is important. Feminine shapes are allowed. In contrary to Gucci where I got rejected because I was too fat! Gucci likes slim girls only.” – Doutzen Kroes
Doutzen's diet:
Like Alessandra, Doutzen believes in portion control. She indulges in favourite snacks such as cheese, bread and chocolate. However, prior to a Victoria's Secret show Doutzen will go on a strict 'sugar-and-carb-free' diet, as well as bump up her work-outs. Doutzen has publicly made it clear that she is against starvation diets and endorses working out your muscles (though many girls worry about bulking up) because
1. We need healthy nutrients
2. We want to appear toned and muscle helps burn fat (so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn!)
1. We need healthy nutrients
2. We want to appear toned and muscle helps burn fat (so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn!)
Work-Out Regime:
Doutzen engages in high-cardio activities such as jumping rope (tones your rear end), boxing, and shadowboxing, as well as strength training.
Age: 30
Spouse: Tom Brady (NFL quarterback for the New England Patriots)
Baby boy: Benjamin Rein Brady (December 8th, 2009)
Spouse: Tom Brady (NFL quarterback for the New England Patriots)
Baby boy: Benjamin Rein Brady (December 8th, 2009)
What a beautiful baby bump!
Still very lean as you can see
Gisele's diet:
From what I can gather it seems that Gisele doesn't have a diet she follows and is another Victoria's Secret Angels advocate for portion control. In fact, she even frequently eats meat and her favourite food: cheeseburgers. Funnily enough, Gisele was discovered by an agent at a McDonald's.
Here is her once-known diet plan-
Breakfast: 2 slices of skimmed cheese, toasted bread wholewheat, 1 fruit
Midmorning snack: 3 cookies, 1 slice of turkey, 1 fruit.

Lunch: 2 thighs of chicken, 1 portion of rice, lettuce, fruit and 1 spoon of olive oil.
Snacks: 1 cookie, 2 slices of skimmed cheese, 1 fruit
Dinner: 1 fish fillet, salad with tomato, 1 spoon of olive oil,1 fruit.
Midmorning snack: 3 cookies, 1 slice of turkey, 1 fruit.
Snacks: 1 cookie, 2 slices of skimmed cheese, 1 fruit
Dinner: 1 fish fillet, salad with tomato, 1 spoon of olive oil,1 fruit.
Her tip: To lose baby weight, don't gain it in the first place! While pregnant, eat healthily, meditate and do light exercises
Tip 2: Gisele adds Cayenne pepper to a lot of the foods she eats to raise her metabolism
Work-Out Regime
To tone up Gisele's routine includes strength and circuit training, and weights. Gisele spends 15 minutes each day to do stretches and flexibility exercises before her work-outs. She also stays active by jogging and keeps things interesting by playing soccer and volleyball, she usually exercises about 45 to 60 minutes every day. Gisele also practices yoga three times a week to meditate, stay fit and control her over-compulsive eating habits.
Age: 37
Spouse: Seal (singer)
Children: Helena Leni Klum (May 4th 2004), Henry Gunther Ademola Dashtu Samuel (September 15, 2005), Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel (November 22, 2006) and daughter Lou Sulola Samuel (October 9, 2009)
Spouse: Seal (singer)
Children: Helena Leni Klum (May 4th 2004), Henry Gunther Ademola Dashtu Samuel (September 15, 2005), Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel (November 22, 2006) and daughter Lou Sulola Samuel (October 9, 2009)
Heidi's diet:
Low-carb diet
Breakfast: 180 calorie protein shake, and at 10 a.m. a 4-egg-white omelet with veggies
Lunch: Broccoli sautéed in a teaspoon of olive oil, skinless chicken and salad
4 p.m. snack: 10 to 12 raw almonds
Dinner: either, another protein shake or a small meal like turkey chili
Lunch: Broccoli sautéed in a teaspoon of olive oil, skinless chicken and salad
4 p.m. snack: 10 to 12 raw almonds
Dinner: either, another protein shake or a small meal like turkey chili
Absolutely no: corn, pasta, bread, sausages etc. you get the idea, carbs and processed foods
Work-Out Regime:
Two workout sessions per day.
Heidi spent mornings doing lunges, core-strength exercises, yoga and shadowboxing. In the afternoons she focused more on core work and cardio, such as 45 minutes on an inclined treadmill or elliptical trainer. For more 'leisurely' exercises, she went hiking with her trainer.
She lost 2 inches off her waist in the first couple of days (probably all water weight).
Age: 26
Spouse: Archie Drury (film producer)
Baby boy: Tobin Jack Drury (October 29th, 2009)
Spouse: Archie Drury (film producer)
Baby boy: Tobin Jack Drury (October 29th, 2009)
Looking radiant in these lovely choices of evening gowns.
At Sao Paolo Fashion Week where she got a lot of critics bashing her "chubby" body, commenting on things such as her cellulite and flabby tummy. Karolina admitted herself it was hard to get back in shape.
Karolina's diet & workout in her own words:
On losing the baby weight: "I didn't gain much weight, and I think the secret was really staying active throughout my pregnancy. I did Pilates, a lot of weight training, I walked a lot and I traveled. I lived my life, you know?"
On her pregnancy diet: "I was eating really healthy, taking good supplements and vitamins, drinking green juices and just making sure I was putting the best stuff in my body. I didn't eat much junk, and I was lucky I didn't really crave it, either. So I'm all about listening to your body. But obviously you want to try to give it more natural foods, and fruits, good vitamins, fish oils, fiber. Lots of fiber when you're pregnant!"
On working with Tracy Anderson: "I wanted to try something different. I didn't want to be in the gym doing weights. And I like Tracy. She's a working mom like me and she understands that, and understands a woman's body. It's been really fun . . . it's a bit of a mishmash of everything. A little ballet, a lot of dancing, funk cardio. As a woman, where else can you go and listen to fast music and really dance? Especially after you have a baby, it's not like you have a lot of time to go dance! So it's a great place to just go and be, and feel good, feel sexy and sweat."
On what she eats now: "We still do a lot of fresh green fruit juices, and try to cook as much as we can so that everything's light, delicious and gluten-free. We don't really eat anything that's white, or processed. And we try to buy things from little farms and local places to support those businesses. I'm a big believer in that."
Age: 27
Spouse: Orlando Bloom (actor)
Baby boy: Flynn Bloom (January 6th, 2011)
Spouse: Orlando Bloom (actor)
Baby boy: Flynn Bloom (January 6th, 2011)
First photograph released of Miranda and Flynn, picture taken by Orlando Bloom.
What Miranda writes on her website Kora Organics:
"We are so happy, he is our little ray of sunshine. He weighed 9lb 12oz (a very healthy and big baby boy). I gave birth to him naturally; without any pain medication and it was a long, arduous and difficult labour, but Orlando was with me the whole time supporting and guiding me through it. I could not have done it without him."
Miranda's diet:
Miranda is also an advocate on portion control, she enjoys Lindt's dark chocolate balls, however she is also a very health-conscious person. She only eats healthy, organic foods- well, look at her site's name!
Her typical daily diet includes-
Breakfast: Fresh fruit salad with yogurt and muesli 2 Rye toasts with avocado and boiled eggs
Water with lemon and ginger
Cup of green tea
Water with lemon and ginger
Cup of green tea
Midmorning snack: Almonds, pecans, walnuts
Lunch: Fresh tuna salad
Water with lemonDandelion tea
Water with lemonDandelion tea
Afternoon snack: Nuts or a piece of fruit
Dinner: “Either a salmon steak or other fish or Lamb Loin chops or a piece of steak with vegetables or salad. I don’t eat a lot of potato, but I eat heaps of greens and sweet potato and pumpkin roasted.” Green tea with ginger
Her secret: Tahitian Noni juice
Work-Out Regime:
A firm advocate and believer of yoga. She also works out with personal trainer Justin Gelband, who has Miranda regularly running, boxing, and practicing Pilates and yoga Miranda has said that she would prefer to just do Yoga, which she enjoys the benefit of meditating while working out all at once.
I love Victoria's Secret and their yummy mummies.
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