Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hot Top 10: Things To Do When You're Sick

A Stolen LifeThe Help
(image taken from Everyday Health)

It's flu season, everybody! Everywhere I go, I hear people sniffling and/or coughing left and right. I, myself, am recovering from a terrible case of the flu. The thing is it's bad enough being sick. Being sick in a cold country is even worse! You've got these aches and pains, you're cold, it's windy and rainy or snowing (which only helps worsen your already dire condition!), and all you want to do is hibernate- as if the winter season didn't do that enough already.
I don't need MORE motivation to stay in bed all day!
Yes, it truly is dreadful. So in order to help appease others who are suffering with me, I've put together a list of my"Top 10 Sick-Dos" for all you lovely people, whether you are sick now or fall sick anytime in the future.
1. Breakfast In Bed
Mmm...yes. You've been feeling a bit under the weather for the past couple of days, and then it finally hits you. I'm sure you've all experienced it: the awful morning on day 1 of your flu. You wake up with a banging headache, you're aching in places you've actually been meaning to work out at the gym, you've got the chills or sweats, your skin is sensitive to touch, your neck aches, your mouth is dry, your sinuses burn and your voice is coarse.Hidden Steel (Five Star Expressions)Out of Time: A Paranormal Romance
You think, "I am not going to work/school today." so how should you start your day off instead? Mmmhm. Breakfast in bed.
Force yourself out of bed and make your way over to the kitchen (bundled up in all your bed covers or multiple bathrobes if you wish).
First off, have a big glass of warm water with or without a lemon. Your body is dehydrated and it is a good way to wake the digestive system up. Take your vitamins, minerals and some flu or pain medication and drink another glass of water.
Make yourself a nice hot cup of coffee, have a glass of juice (or milk, or water), and make yourself something simple that doesn't require much energy. Butter on toast, eggs, saltine crackers, yogurt & fruit, or a bit of all the above! Skip the greasy Denny's-esque breakfast and go for foods that are nutritious and light (it's not like you need to bombard your body with any more toxins), so that means NONE of last night's leftover pizza.
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I have a food tray at home because I typically don't eat at the dining table and I recommend everyone to have one. It is perfect to bring around little tidbits, coffee, or tea, as well as books and anything else you might need in other area's of the house. Instead of having to lug 2 items at a time back and forth around the house.
It is also perfect for a sick day. Whether you are single or attached ;), this is something you can enjoy. If you are living with somebody, even better. You don't even have to go to the kitchen yourself! What could be a sweeter gesture than nursing a loved one in bed? And if you're both sick, at least you're in it together.
Singletons: grab your diary, a book, turn on the TV, or just allow this time for you to wallow in your misery and relax with a nice breakfast at hand, tucked comfortably in bed.
2. Soup
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Mm, I love soup. All kind's of soup. Clear, cream, broths, tomato-based, veggie, spicy, bland, so on and so forth. Personally I don't have much of an appetite when I'm sick, or maybe it's the thought of having to make or go out and buy food that turns me off it.
So there is nothing simpler than making yourself a bowl of soup. For those of you who enjoy cooking and are feeling up to it, go for it. If you're lacking inspiration, look up a couple recipes on the internet! There are so many soup recipes from all regions of the world, you could never get bored.
From a simple chicken broth soup, borsch, cream of spinach, beef stew, tom yam, cream of corn, cream of mushroom, clam chowder, pumpkin, cabbage etc.
nd for others who are as lazy as I am in the kitchen, Campbell's soup does just fine, which is why I'm always stocked with that stuff! If you are weight conscious, choose a tomato/clear-based soup rather than creamy. Campbell's now also offers the low-fat variety of a lot of their soups.
I am currently living on Campbell's low-fat Cream of Garlic Mushroom.
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There is nothing more soothing than a hot bowl of soup to warm up your tummy, add a couple of saltine crackers on the side and voila. And the plus side is, if you choose your soup wisely, you can drink unlimited amounts without worrying about the calories.
3. High Tea
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If you are feeling well enough to take it easy somewhere other than your home, make a reservation at the high tea lounge you've been meaning to go to for the past month. If not, why not indulge at home!
I have a lot of teas at home. I simply love it. I find it relaxes the mind and soul, even the act of preparing tea. And there are just so many different kinds to suit every occasion. Certain types of teas even raise your metabolism and detoxify your body.
Detoxify your body and mind from the grueling work and punishment you've laid upon them. Whether you've been really stressed out at work/school, your colleagues and boss are putting a lot of pressure on you, or if you have been partying too hard with friends. Let this time just be about you, and you alone.MOTOROLA DEVOUR A555 8GB GOOGLE ANDROID 3G SILVER CDMA VERIZON TOUCHSCREEN7 Touch Tablet Internet Media Player 2Gb Google Android Os - ROCKCHIP CPU
Take out your finest china or cutest tea set. Prepare your favourite teas, or try something new! There's more out there than just breakfast and green tea.
Bring out indulgent little snacks, whether that is cheese and crackers, a piece of fruit, or sweet delicacies. Put effort into making it, and even yourself, look nice.
I always feel better when I am looking a little better.
Sit Back.
Indulge.7 Touch Tablet Internet Media Player 2Gb Google Android Os - ROCKCHIP CPU
4. Organize Your Closet
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Or whatever it is that you've been telling yourself you'll do but always find excuses not to. A personal project, cleaning, organizing.
Organization will not only take your mind off of being sick, but you'll feel great about how neat and glam your closet now looks. No longer will you have bags, jewelry, scarves, last night's panties and dresses strewn all over the place.
The more areas of your life that are in order, the more these habits will likely seep into your everyday world and outlook as well.
Change is also very renewing and refreshing. The smallest change can make your living space feel brand new. Not to mention you'll be burning calories and feeling fabulous all at the same time.
5. Take a Bubble Bath
Do it! Take this time to primp and cleanse yourself.
With so many products on the market, from companies like L'Occitane to The Body Shop to Miller Harristo Victoria's Secret, you'll never run out of a fresh scent to bathe yourself in. I always find it exciting trying out new bath products. Don't the bottles above just look so wonderfully appealing???
Imagine bathing yourself in vanilla & ice cream, or strawberries & milkshake! Yum. You've got your bath milk, bath salts... And again, if your lover is living with you, what would be more fun than to dip into the bath together and just relax or get naughty.
This will also be the time, especially for my lovelies who live in cold weathered countries, to really pamper and moisturize that dry and tired skin as well as exfoliate. However, of course if your skin is feeling a bit sensitive, save the exfoliating for next time to avoid any rashes or discomfort.
Hot baths are known to help relax our muscles, releasing all that tension. You can also use relaxing scented oils or candles like they do at spas for further comfort. Put on some light music, or just have this time for your thoughts.
It is also said that by the hot bath water speeding up your heart rate and causing you to sweat and detoxify your body, much like a sauna. It helps our immune system fight the virus.
However, don't stay in the bath too long. As the increased heart rate and blood pressure may not be ideal for certain individuals- I trust that you know your own health best. Also, please use common sense. If you have a fever, or your skin is so sensitive that you cannot possibly enter a hot bath, don't do it!
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Marissa Miller (Victoria's Secret) agrees! ;)
Don't forget to keep yourself hydrated afterwards as you are losing moisture from your body, which also means it will make your skin drier so moisturize well after your pampering session!
6. Movies
Wear your fluffiest bathrobe and slippers, make yourself a hot drink, collect all your favourite classic movies (whatever genre you love) and just let your mind go slump.
I used to have a player that could hold multiple discs at once, that was Heaven on a sick day. So if you have that luxury, lucky you! Take advantage of it.
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Just sit there and daydream. Plan what you're going to do when you're better. Who knows!
Most Kate Hudson movies work for me! They're usually positive and upbeat, which is nice on a dreary tissue-filled or cough-syrup intoxicated day.
Samsung Behold 2 II T939 Unlocked Android Phone with 5MP Camera, Touchscreen, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth - Unlocked Phone - US Warranty - Brown
7. Catch Up On TV Shows
Enough said! Sex and the City is always entertaining, whether it Carrie is having man problems or Samantha's appalling sex escapades! If anything, even if the show were mute, the fashion on the show is interesting enough to keep you hooked. Plus, they always happen to be able to touch on the many issues that relate to us females in the modern world.
Samsung Captivate Android Phone (AT&T)
Watch re-runs of The Hills or any other reality shows you enjoy.
And be mortified/shocked/amazed all over again by how different Heidi Montag looks and begin an inner-debate about why she did it, if you would do it and whether she looks better or not. Ha-ha
Motorola MB501 Cliq XT GSM Unlocked SmartPhone with Android, 3.1-Inch Touchscreen, 5 MP Camera and QWERTY Keyboard - US Warranty - BlackSamsung Galaxy S 4G Android Phone (T-Mobile)
Kathy Griffin's Life On The D-List never fails to entertain me. What could be better than a feisty, uncensored redhead?
Whether you are a guido/guidette, enjoy laughing at the show, or want to bang one of the characters- Jersey Shore is successful for a reason. People love to laugh at dumb shit and drool at over-exposed muscles.
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Admittedly this show is more suited for a younger teen audience, for some reason it keeps me hooked. The acting and storyline is no where near original or fantastic, so what gives? Maybe it's because all the girls and boys are good looking and wear cute clothes. Maybe it brings me back to middle school and my early high school days. Who knows.
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Plus...all the other major shows haven't returned to air yet *shrugs*. The question is: WHY NOT?
8. Catch Up On Reading
Yeah, you know that book that's been collecting dust on your shelf that you've been meaning to read but haven't? Well, now's your chance to start! Because once you get into the story, you'll most likely be following it even when you're feeling better.
What I like to do, namely if the book has been made into a movie, is set myself a goal. To finish reading the book or book series and then watch the film version. Simple, but effective. To get myself prepped and in a comfortable position to read a book, I like to grab a drink, snuggle up in bed with an eye-mask over my head (let's face it, reading for long periods of time does usually lead to a nap) and just go for it.

Read old books or series that you enjoyed as a child. Or still enjoy now.

Grab a fashion magazine to catch up on the latest trends, interviews and world issues.HTC Magic A6161 Android G2 Unlocked Phone with Quad-Band GSM, 3.2 MP Camera, MP3/Video Player, and MicroSD Slot--International Version with Warranty (Black)HTC Desire A9191EUK HD A9191 Unlocked GSM Android Smartphone with 8 MP Camera, Wi-Fi, GPS, Touchscreen - Unlocked Phone - No Warranty - Black
The Gossip Girl series has fabulous covers. They're quite a bit different for the show, though the reading level is very low (which might be good for your foggy brain) the characters are very much living the young adult life many of us do with all the same issues. Except of course, in more glamorous locations.
Motorola MB300 BACKFLIP GSM Unlocked Smart Phone With Android, 3.1-inch touchscreen, 5MP camera and QWERTY keyboard. (Black)Samsung i9100 Galaxy S II Unlocked GSM Smartphone with 8 MP Camera, Android OS, 16 GB Internal Memory, Touchscreen, Wi-Fi, GPS - No Warranty - Noble BlackSamsung Fascinate Android Phone (Verizon Wireless)
I love the Hot Chick books!! Written by sexy, fantastic ladies Jodi Lipper and Cerina Vincent. Inspirational, upbeat and honest. A good guide to how you should live your life confident, happy and empowered.
Other suggestionsTrading Up (Candace Bushnell), The Memory Daughter's Keeper (Kim Edwards), Catcher In The Rye (J.D. Salinger), Anne Frank's Diary (Anne Frank), Unsticky (Sarra Manning), Larger Than Life (Adele Parks).
9. Retail Therapy
This is probably more appropriate for the end stages of your illness, where you are feeling well enough to move out and about. What could make you feel more renewed than purchasing shiny, new things???
(photo credits: Jeff Chiu, taken from the New York Times)
This isn't the frantic Christmas-style shopping though. This is relaxed. Where you go from store to store without rushing. Perhaps it's a new skincare product that makes you feel great, a new bottle of perfume to make you feel fresh and glamorous, cute new kitchenware to rejuvenate your kitchen, a new outfit that makes you feel hot, a new CD or new shoes so that with every step you take you have a little bounce.
Take your best guy/girl/gay friend with you for my readers who need to ease into the social world and hate to be alone.
Make an effort to look decent, so that you feel confident and like a Goddess as people look your way.
And when you're all pooped out with tired feet from doing all that shopping cardio (shopping burns about 200 cals an hour!), just find a nice cafe or tea shop to plop down in to relax and giggle about all the great new things you've just bought.
If you're in the mood to explore teas from all over the world, as well as grab a bite to eat, Google whether you have a Mariage Frères in the area. They are amazing in that they offer teas from all regions of the world, which they also sell, it's unbelievable.
Pictured above is the tea shop in Ginza, Japan.
(Mariage Frères)
10. Sleep
That is the best way to be cured of a flu or cold. Tons of rest, rest and rest.
Key things to keep in mind:
1. Rest
2. Relaxation
3. Make/allow yourself to feel great
4. Nutritious food
5. Keep meds and Pepto-Bismol in handy
6. Stay hydrated- don't skip this part! It not only helps keep your tummy flat and skin glow, but is a necessity for a healthy body.HTC A8181 Desire Unlocked Quad-Band GSM Phone with Android OS, HTC Sense UI, 5 MP Camera, Wi-Fi and gps navigation--International Version with Warranty (Brown)Samsung Nexus S Unlocked Phone--U.S. Warranty (Black)Motorola MB511 Flipout Unlocked GSM Quad-Band Android, Motoblur, Camera, QWERTY Keyboard, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth - Unlocked Phone - International Warranty - BlackHTC Nexus One Unlocked GSM Smartphone with Android OS, 5MP Camera and Touchscreen - No Warranty - BrownSony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini E10i Unlocked Smartphone with 5 MP Camera, Android OS, gps navigation, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth--International Version with Warranty (Pearl White/Pink)HTC Wildfire A3333 Unlocked GSM SmartPhone with Android OS, 5 MP Camera, Wi-Fi, and Touch Screen--International Version with No US Warranty (Black)
Also, please be considerate of other people! You want to be aware of personal hygiene to avoid infecting others and getting yourself sick in the future.
Though...I'm sure you don't have to quite go to the same measures as Speidi...
What's best of all?Motorola Charm MB502 Unlocked Phone Quad Band GSM with 3 MP Camera, Android - Unlocked Phone - No Warranty - Bronze
If you can accomplish several of these things, all together.

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