I am always getting compliments on my skin by make-up artists and people I know, which has inspired me to write this blog.
God knows I haven't always had such great skin, suffering from blackheads and forehead acne in my pubescent years (luckily that phase didn't last long). These tips are designed to help you achieve healthier, clearer looking skin, especially those of you who live in drier/colder climates. I have a mildy oily T-zone paired with generally dry skin, so when the winter days roll by I have to take extra care of my skin.Our skin is great indicator of our general health, so if your skin is looking unhealthy, here are a few things you may want to keep in check!
All in a day's work to look and feel better with refreshed skin...
1. Cold Showers
Brrr. The very idea of taking a cold shower during winter is daunting, however I assume most of you have proper heating so it shouldn't be a problem! But for those of you, who like me, love hot showers- try to reduce your time in the shower as hot water actually dries out your skin, reducing its elasticity, leaving it feeling itchy and more prone to stretch marks and a dullen appearance.
Another solution for this problem if you truly cannot shower in cold water would be to make compromise by showering in lukewarm water and then finishing off with cool water.
2. Stay Hydrated
This one's a no-brainer. Drinking sufficient amounts of water (8 glasses per day recommended) is important to keep our organs functioning efficiently, cleansing our bodies, hydrating our skin, and not to mention reducing water retention (bonus!).
Being dehydrated causes our hair to be brittle, bad breath, and dull looking skin. Our bodies are also more likely to be filled with toxins that haven't been filtered out, making us unhealthy, break out and feel sluggish. Severe dehydration will lead to headaches, fatigue and dizziness. And when our bodies are dehydrated, it tends to try to hang on to any water it comes across resulting in the swollen, water retained look that most women dread.
All the more reason to stay hydrated!
Remember, that if you're going to be drinking a diuretic (alcohol, coffee, tea etc.) that you must replenish that water you are losing by drinking additional amounts of water during your day.
3. Get Your Heart Pumpin'!
Follow Vampire Diaries star Nina Dobrev's example!
Regular exercise is not only great for your physique and mind but is fantastic for your skin. Getting your heart pumping increases blood flow to all areas of your body where blood may be stagnant, pumping oxygen through those cells and eliminating toxins more quickly and efficiently.
Don't you just love that healthy, rosy glow you get after a good workout?
Also, ladies, if you're going to get a good workout in avoid wearing full-faced make up. Wearing make up such as foundation, powder and all of those products only block the pores that your body is desperately trying to sweat out of. This may cause blockage of dirt and build-up of bacteria that makes you more prone to a bad breakout.
4. Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate
Nothing brightens up the face than regular exfoliation to get rid of dull, dead skin and dirt that's left behind. Not only will you achieve brighter, cleaner looking skin but it also makes your skin amazingly soft!
Exfoliating also makes applying moisturizer much more efficient because it doesn't matter if you are applying boatloads of moisturizer if that good stuff is only reaching the surface dead skin cells. Exfoliating also apparently keeps the skin more youthful, and is said to help with anti-aging.
But remember, there is such thing as too much of a good thing. Over-exfoliating can damage your skin, especially sensitive skin. This is especially true if you decide to use a loofah/scrub that isn't clean.
5. Facial Treatments
Whether you prefer to go to a spa, or do a little DIY facial maintenance at home, it is always a great idea to regularly pamper your face. There are so many facial treatments and masks available out there with all sorts of benefits (moisturizing, increased blood flow, pore minimizing etcetc.)- all of which will help you achieve healthier, more vital looking skin.
Plus they often leave you feeling rested, blissful and beautiful. What's to lose?
Give your skin the royal treatment it deserves, you'll thank me for it!
P.S. It is best not to divulge in invasive facial treatments (the skin scrubbing, zit popping kind) the day before an important outing or event as your skin will still be vulnerable/sensitive and may have slight redness.
6. Eat a Balanced Diet
Needless to say stuffing your face with junk and greasy processed foods is definitely not helping your skin. Eating a balanced diet improves overall health, which will ultimately also show in your skin.
Stick to hydrating foods such as fruits and vegetables, which also contain antioxidants and fiber. A healthy fiber intake improves bowel movements, which also affects the skin! Irregular visits to the bathroom results in an accumulation of toxins in the body, which shows in a person's skin and over all energy levels (and breath!). Eating healthy fats from sources such as olive oil, nuts and salmon is also beneficial for the digestive system, hair and skin.
Who knew eating well could make you feel so good?
Another thing to keep in mind is that simple carbohydrates such as pasta and bread also cause water retention because these molecules hang onto water, making our skin look swollen and generally unwell. To reduce this effect without sacrificing your love for carbs, just be sure to eat them in moderation and drink plenty of water!
7. Applying Lip Balm
We all know those winter months cause our lips to become chapped and unsightly and sometimes painful. Now, what is the point of having such perfect skin if your lips look all dry and roughed up???
Regularly moisten your lips with a good lip balm, in addition to your lipstick if you wear the latter. Many lipsticks actually tend to dry quickly especially in dry, cold climates so they don't really do much to keep your lips supple. And long-lasting lipsticks on the other hand are typically even MORE drying because that is why they stay on your lips for so long.
Follow Gossip Girl Ed Westwick's example below and keep your lips moisturized and delightfully kissable!
Ed is using Eos lip balm.
8. Moisturize!
This should come as no surprise. The whole point has been to keep your whole body moisturized and hydrated at all times, and one of the most efficient ways to do that is to well...moisturize!
For the colder season, try to find a richer based cream for regular application. I myself have sensitive skin, and absolutely love Clarins' Gentle Day & Night Cream for Sensitive Skin for my face. And for my body, lately I have been using Lush Cosmetic's 'Sympathy for the Skin' Body Lotion (read my review here) which is also very rich, leaves my skin super soft and smells lovely. Find a moisturizer that works for you, and that definitely does not always mean the most expensive brand!
Give your thirsty skin the hydration it deserves for skin with a healthier glow all around. And as a bonus, keeping your skin moisturized minimizes the appearances of stretch marks!
This note is important for all of you who like to tan out in the sun or tanning bed if there is no sun, is that that highly dries your skin out and damages it resulting it faster aging and sun spots. On top of heavily moisturizing, use a cream that is at least SPF 35 to reduce these skin-damaging effects and look more youthful and healthy with your sunkissed glow.
9. Cleanse/Remove Makeup
Frequently going to bed with makeup caked on your face is not good for the skin for obvious reasons. Your pores are clogged up, not allowing the skin to breathe and dirt/dead skin begins to accumulate creating a dull, dry look.
Refresh your skin by simply making sure to clean your face of any product and cosmetics every night (well...almost every night minus the drunken ones where you pass out on someone else's couch!). Allowing your skin to breathe and cleanse/detoxify itself.
10. Getting Naughty
Much like a cardio workout, engaging in regular sexual activity or even flirting releases endorphins and hormones that make the body relax. It also gets the blood pumping during those hot moments, which is healthy for your skin, body and relationship ;). Not to mention it feels fantastic, leaving you in a happier, prettier state.
If you're going to hop around with different men, don't forget to stay safe! Nothing like an STD to stress you out into a breakout.
11. Sleep
Allowing your body to have rejuvenating and enough sleep is vital to a healthy body and glowing skin. When we are sleeping, that is when our bodies are doing much of its detox and cleansing work, releasing hormones and chemicals needed to repair our body after all we put it through. It is said that for women, most of this repair work occurs during 12-2 a.m.
This is also the time our skin gets revitalized. A sluggish, clogged up engine proves for an unattractive body inside and out.
While on average it is stated we need 8 hours of sleep, most people actually vary from that number ranging from 6-10 hours. Experiment for a few days to find out your ideal sleeping hours that leave you feeling naturally energetic and alert.
12. Supplements!
A lot of the time human beings need additional help outside of their given natural resources. For what we don't or can't consume through our diet and environment, there are plenty of supplements available out there to make sure we're running in tip top shape.
Supplements that are highly recommended for healthy skin (and hair/nail) are: evening primrose oil, horsetail silica, vitamin E, beta carotene, grapeseed oil, vitamin C, folic acids, fish oils, omega 3/6, flaxseed oil, MSM, potassium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, etc.
So what are you waiting for? Go to your local pharmacy/nutrion store today and get your beautiful glow on.
Get on the road to more beautiful, vibrant and fresh looking skin today. If you stay on this routine regularly, there is no doubt that your skin will begin to reflect a more balanced body. However it is possible that certain skin conditions are caused by stubborn bacteria, infection, or even parasite, if your problems continue or worsen, consult a dermatologist in your area for a proper medical evaluation and diagnosis.
You don't need to be a Hollywood star and photoshop to look like a flawless Goddess, but it takes time and dedication.
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