Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Kristen Stewart in Proenza Schouler // February 2011 Vogue

Kristen Stewart is a blonde babe, donning pieces from Proenza Schouler's 2011 line.

On the roles she goes for:
“I choose things that are so overly ambitious, and if I can’t do stuff like that, I don’t want to be doing this.”
On really doing something with the money she’s making:
“Anytime I hear that somebody’s really rich, the first question is ‘Do you do anything with it? Or do you, like, chill? You just sit on it?’” She is thinking carefully, strategically, about how best to put her own contribution to use, and has a plan – inspired by her researches for the role of a runaway in the sex trade – to set up a network of halfway houses to help those who want to recover and get back on their feet. “That would be amazing. Right now it’s the thing I feel most connected to.”
On being really connected to Bella Swan:
” [She's] a character who is embedded in so many people’s psyches at this point. It’s starting to enter my head a lot more than it used to because it’s at the end and it’s come such a long way. I just want the fans of the book to be happy. I don’t necessarily care about anyone else.”
Overly Photoshopped but the dress is magnificent.
Beautiful photograph, beautiful dress. Kristen looks great in this shoot. There are a lot of mixed reviews about it, lots of hating going on on the internet. People are way too negative these days.
If you didn't know, I wrote a blog on Kristen a couple months ago. I'm not a mega fan, no. But I do think she's a great and attractive girl who gets too much hate and harsh judgement from the media and people in general, some of which is completely unfounded and backed up by faulty reasoning such as, "BECAUSE I FEEL SO." In particular, I discuss her controversial interview in Elle (2010) where by an unfortunate use of words she compares fame to "rape".
"Oh blonde hair doesn't suit her" --> She's naturally blonde, she looks wonderful as a blonde and a brunette.
"Her eyebrows don't match her hair colour it's so annoying" --> Umm, nobody seems to care when that occurs in a fashion campaign/photoshoot or on the runway. The only reason why you are hating is because you are biased.
"She only has one look" --> And it's a beautiful look. She's an actress, a shyer one at that, not a model.
"Her body looks awkward" --> Just listen to yourself! So much hate. Because I'm sure if we saw Kristen in real life, she'd look just fine. Photographs make everything open to speculation and captures the details that our naked eye would rarely notice.
"Her make up is weird/horrible/creepy" --> What??? What is the difference between this make-up and any of the other time's she has it on? It's simple and not over-done. People are RIDICULOUS.
The point is: Lay Off. She looks 1000 times better than half the population ever could in a Vogue photoshoot.
Kristen and the clothes look fantastic!
I love this photograph because it's so raw and APPEARS un-Photoshopped (though it probably is). She doesn't need much to look like a beauty.
Hahaha, I have no idea what this is about.
She has gorgeous eyes!
Check out the behind-the-scenes video of this Vogue photo session! Including mini-interviews with Kristen herself. Although one thing that baffles me is why her hair looks so great in the photoshoot and so greasy in the interviews!! Time to invest in a new shampoo, methinks.

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