Ah. And here we begin with the Taylor Momsen everybody's come to know and love (or hate).
I'm actually feeling her outfit here! @ the Whitney Gala Museum, just about one year ago.
Very posed for, but hey. I would too!
love it!
I feel like her arm's about to snap. Disturbing.
Why so amused, Little J?
Loving the midnight blue coloured smokey eye. I use Bobbi Brown's gel liner, that stuff's amazing.
I love this dress on her. It's quite flattering on her skin tone. Just wish she didn't have on those fishnets...but at least she isn't wearing chunky boots with this dress like she did @ the Victoria's Secret 'Love Rocks' launch!
Haven't reached the complete raccoon eye stage yet!
Queen of studded things (leggings, dresses, tops, purses, skirts, jackets, belts, shoes...), which admittedly I am too. Ohhhh yes.
Ouch! Her jeans look uncomfortably pulled up.
This is CUTE!
Not feeling the emo/Courtney Love look
I love this colour, light peach. Apparently so does Taylor. When she's not wearing black she's often seen in light peach/shell/beige and off-whites.
Those leggings!
I love stripes. New research points that horizontal stripes actually give the illusion of slimness despite the myth that they make you appear fatter. In fact, vertical lines actually make one appear tubbier!
But of course if you're Taylor Momsen, you're going to look slim no matter what you wear.
@ the Victoria's Secret 2010 launch of perfume 'Love Rocks'
See what I mean about the off-white? And ahhhh, the raccoon eyes.
Well I'll give her this, she can pull if off way better than most people.
Aw, see? Laughing's not so bad.
Raccoon eyes to the nth degree. Looks like somebody pissed her off. @ the Material Girls opening
Even though I've been poking fun at the make up, truth is I don't really care. I don't see what the big deal is. As I said before, she pulls it off better than most people.
She's an artist, a singer. Maybe it makes her feel more in her rocker mode. Maybe she thinks it looks good. Maybe it's a mask she gets to hide behind. If we want to talk make up, you might want to take Gene Simmons and the rest of KISS up on that one first.
Has everybody forgotten that Pete Wentz wears eyeliner on a REGULAR day??? Albeit not nearly as much...but you know. He is a guy.
So besides Gossip Girl, Taylor Momsen's been busy working on her music career as the lead vocalist for her band The Pretty Reckless. Her band just finished playing on the Warped Tour, hence her return as Jenny Humphrey on the show!
There's this whole issue about her being a bad role model with her trashy appearance and underage smoking. But like she said, she didn't sign up to be a role model. Just because somebody is famous doesn't mean your children shouldn't know better and be their own person.
Artists are meant to entertain. That's their job. There are many artists who use their fame to reach out and inspire others- but that's not part of their job description. That's just them being compassionate people.
Tearing it up
Nobody cares that Colin Farrell smokes and drinks. Nobody cared when Angelina was drugged, boozed and cigged up. Nobody cared about Kurt Cobain and Ozzy Osbourne's antics (he bit the head off of 2 doves for fuck's sake). In fact, O.O.'s problems are kind of an entertainment factor on his MTV show. I can't wait til Taylor turns 18, so at least everybody can shut the fuck up about the smoking.
Look at the kids in middle schools and high schools. Many of them aren't only smoking cigarettes (or have tried) but smoke marijuana too. A lot of people start smoking at a young age. Get over it. Just like most young teens are already drinking alcohol at their friends' "parties".
Taylor Momsen is NOT the problem. The root of the problem lies elsewhere in society as a whole. If your kids are mindlessly copying celebrities without opinions of their own or strong enough guidance from home, that is NOT the celebrity's fault.
As much as you might dislike her for what she says or her personal style, this girl's got an amazing voice. I was surprised when I first listened to one of her tracks. You wouldn't imagine a voice like that coming out of little miss Jenny Humphrey, but there it was.
Surprisingly grungy and gravelly. And surprisingly powerful.
But then of course I nixed it and figured it was all studio enhancement (ahem, Miley Cyrus). Wrong again. I've watched almost all of her live performances on YouTube, and she sounds the exact same if not BETTER.
A very Beatles-esque photograph
Besides the weird eye-rolling trances she goes into while performing, her voice is sexy, strong and gives me the (good) shivers. The style of music is reminiscent of Nirvana, Garbage, Led Zeppelin. Although her music videos are questionable, I think that's all just part of her "image" right now.
It might stick forever and the rest of us will just have to deal with it. Or in about 5 or 6 years she might do a complete 180 and realize that she has talent whether she puts on a bad girl front or not. Hey, just look at Kelly Osbourne.
Okay, I know I said I didn't care about the make up...but does she have to wear it like that ALL the time?

I actually really like that dress (stud obsession). Although it is a bit translucent and short-- leggings!
Yep...it's the dress she wore in those tampon photos (seriously though, who the fuck takes pictures of an underage girl's crotch??). People keep talking shit about how she doesn't wear panties, but she clearly was.
Ozzy Osbourne mixed with Lady GaGa. Meh. What's with the hair?
AHHH the studdy skirt.
Her most popular songs on YouTube are "Make Me Wanna Die" (she does a fabulous set on MTV UK live), "Zombie", "My Medicine" and "Miss Nothing". There are plenty other songs though.
I was listening to the Pretty Reckless over and over again for a couple days.
Hot photograph.
I think Taylor Momsen is generally a very talented girl so hopefully her feet will touch ground soon and other less forgiving people will be able to appreciate her talent as well.
List of things TM should do:
1. I know you have long legs, but can you at least wear mini dresses and not long t-shirts?
2. You rock the raccoon look, Robin from Batman is jealous, but you're gorgeous without it! Tone it down a little.
3. There are other people in your band besides you
4. There are other people in bands, besides you
5. You smile in interviews but as soon as the cameras come around it disappears. Report to Lost and Found ASAP, please.
6. Stop trying so hard to be alternative
6. Keep making awesome music, improving as an artist and not letting bitches cramp your 'style'. Good on ya
But then again, you can't really trust tabloids can you? So who IS Taylor Momsen anyway?
'Light Me Up' was just released in the UK. Go check that shit out.
A lot of people are kind of mocking the cover. Like "Um yeah, a kid holding up a lighter. How 'cool'". I think it's kind of brilliant. The child is obviously supposed to resemble Taylor Momsen, she's also wearing a studded white-ish dress/top similar to what TM wore in those tampon photos. Plus the leather jacket. People give her smack all the time for underage smoking. This is like a parody of herself, she's laughing right back at your faces. Whether it is effective or not, she is aware of what she is doing.
Love her or hate her, love or hate the genre- the girl's definitely got a unique talent compared to other females in the business today. She deserves some credit for that. And anyway, despite the outer differences, if you watch her interviews she's still the same girl as always. Giggly and upbeat (usually).
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