Sunday, June 5, 2011

An ever-changing backdrop

Those who are familiar with my efforts in these seasonal me-made challenges might remember that I usually employ a variety of settings in my photographs.  For several reasons:
-I like interesting and beautiful photography (not that my photographs are either interesting or beautiful, but I enjoy trying)
-I love nature, and the great outdoors, and am out in it everyday, anyway
-A beautiful backdrop will will enhance any outfit
-There are so many beautiful places around, it seems silly not to make use of them
But the sharp eyed will notice a creeping sameness to my photos, this time around.  I just thought for this Me-Made June 2011 challenge, and since lighting etc is not so important to show up the colour and/or dressmaking details for items that I have posted about previously, to simply set up in the same spot each day, on the same point of my walk, so, roughly the same time each day also.  It will simplify things if I have a routine to follow, and I can rely on the ingenuity of mother nature to provide the interesting variety in my background.  Plus, weather, and how it is in other parts of the world interest me greatly in other people's photographs, and I thought it might be cool to have a daily record of the river-and-sky during this first month of winter for me to look back on too. 
Although by this point I was hoping for at least one photograph in which an umbrella might be called for;
yes, it rained a bit on the first of June, but all those promising looking clouds in my photos since then have come to nought...

Dress; an adaption of NewLook 6699, various cottons, details here
Hooded cardigan; my own design, handknit with Jo Sharp Silk Road DK Tweed in Ambrosia, details here
Socks; handknit by me, details here
Shoes; Francesco Morichetti, from Zomp shoes

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